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History of Wimbledon, from origins to nowadays, in precisely one minute. Trough the great champions who made this history, beginning by first winners, Spencer Gore (1877) and Maud Watson (1884).
Il y a 5 ans
10259 megtekintések
Along Lleyton Hewitt in double for the last tournament of his career at the Australian Open, Sam Groth made a double fault to gave the break to their opponents, on what was probably the last serve of his career. His racquet didn't survived to that.
Il y a 6 ans
1505 megtekintések
Rafael Nadal ends up his desperate race to the ball in the crowd against Juan Martin Del Potro at Wimbledon.
Il y a 5 ans
1597 megtekintések
Rafa Nadal apologises to ball girl with a kiss after hitting her with a return at Australian Open 2020.
Il y a 4 ans
1625 megtekintések
One of the ball boys makes an amazing catch during the Federer Nadal Semifinal match at the Australian Open. Then there was a cricket reference to Ricky Ponting, and the crowd goes crazy!
Il y a 12 ans
1521 megtekintések
A unique view of the trophy ceremony after the men's Final of this 2015 Australian Open. Novak Djokovich had well noticed it.
Il y a 9 ans
1482 megtekintések
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